About Me

Gladstone, QLD, Australia
A little about me : mummy to 3 adorable little monkeys : Harley (7) Lachlan (5) and Alexis (3), i have an amazing hubby that supports me in everything I do . The best family a girl could ask for. I am a photographer, and love it!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I just love the way these guys are the best of friends.....

I bet your thinking you have seen these gorgeous faces somewhere before..... well it would have been when I was in Mackay earlier on this year (about 6 months ago) wow how time flies :) Anyway these guys are awesome, they hae such close nit little family and they all get along like the best of friends, really they do! I was fortunate enough this time to get poppy in these pics too. Poppy is Andrew's (daddy's) dad and such a character. Thanks again Renee and Andrew for allowing me to photograph your adorable family. Your litte princess Maddison is such a sweat heart and Kalarni is sure to break heart in the not to distant future. I will be in touch with you guys soon with your full gallery detials. Thanks again xx

A rare opportunity - 3 Generations of Saunders men, "Poppy", Andrew (dad) and Kalarnni.

Andrew and Kilarny flying the kite

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